Frequently Asked Question

How do I report an email?
Last Updated 8 months ago

Bitcentral has a new email filtering system, and Barracuda has been phased out!

What does this mean for me, and why was this done?
This was done for a few reasons:

  • Better Security
  • Better email deliverability
  • Better performance
  • And more!

With this change there's a few differences in email filtering to be aware of


Messages that are high confidence spam or phish, or that have a virus detected will end up in Quarantine.Some of these messages can be self-released at page gives you a chance to preview the message, deliver it, or block sender without any risk of opening the message directly.Only release if you're sure it's a safe email!You'll get emails from Microsoft to let you know if anything is pending for your action.


Reporting Messages

There are two reasons to report a message.Reporting a message that should have been blocked, and reporting a message that got sent to junk that should not have.

Reporting a message as not junk

To report a message as not junk, you can Right Click->Report->Not Junk.If you're using the old Outlook desktop client, you'll notice a plugin has replaced the one from Barracuda that looks like this


When you report as not junk it will do a few things.

  1. It will run an automated investigation to re-analyze and adjust for the future.
  2. Help train the filter for other users in Bitcentral.

What it won't do is fix messages that fail security checks, as by design these emails should not be allowed(On a technical level that means it's failing SPF/DKIM/DMARC, IT can see why a message was blocked if you contact us.)

Reporting a message as junk or phishing

(Phishing is an email that is designed to get you to reveal information such as passwords, or to impersonate someone)
To report a message as phishing or junk, just follow the same process as above and select the appropriate option.
When you report a message it will do a few things.

  1. It will run an automated investigation to re-analyze and adjust for the future.
    1. It will actually go out and click on every link in that email, and check databases for bad activity
    2. image
  2. Help train the filter for other users in Bitcentral.
  3. Perform a ZAP (Zero-hour auto purge) and delete the message from any other mailbox if any threats are found.


  • I got an alert for an email, and when I went to go check it it's gone!
    • It might have gotten ZAPed (See above)
  • When I click on a link, there's a weird page for a second.
    • Good eye! It's doing a real time check to make sure the page linked is secure!
  • Some messages say "You don't often get email from" why is that?
  • Some messages say ""This sender appears to be similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person."
    • Be careful! If John Doe normally emails you from, then you get an email from John Doe( it might be a phish!
  • I have an internal Bitcentral service that's going to people's junk or quarantine, this filter is terrible!
    • Most likely it's failing SPF/DKIM/DMARC, so you'll want to make sure the device or application is setup correctly, or it's possible it's being flagged for another reason. Reach out to us and we'll help investigate!

If you have any questions, please email

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